Hippy Lab receives a Michael Smith Grant!

Exciting news! The Hippy Lab is a recipient of a Michael Smith Health Research BC Convening and Collaborating Grant.

The Convening and Collaborating funding program from Michael Smith Research BC aims to mobilize communities for research impact while catalyzing collaboration between researchers and those who benefit from the research. The award will support a project entitled, Establishing a Patient/Family-Partner Hip Dysplasia Advisory Group.’

This collaboration between the Hippy Lab and the I’m a HIPpy Foundation aims to bridge the gap between medical research and patient needs, ensuring a patient-centered approach in pediatric orthopaedics.

The project aims to conduct group discussions with patients and their parents/guardians to understand their experiences with hip dysplasia. The goal is to identify knowledge gaps, form a patient/family advisory group, and co-develop research priorities to improve care and education.

Purpose and Objectives

  • Identify knowledge gaps in hip dysplasia through focus groups.

  • Understand patient care journeys.

  • Form a patient/family advisory group to co-develop research priorities.

Duneesha De Silva

Trainee Role

Duneesha De Silva, a Master’s student, will lead the project, focusing on KT initiatives and patient/family engagement. She will work closely with Regina Wilken to recruit participants, develop discussion points, and establish a patient/family advisory group.

Team Members

Kishore Mulpuri - Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon, BC Children’s Hospital, Professor, Head of the Department of Orthopaedics, University of British Columbia, Principal Investigator for Global Hip Dysplasia Registry (GHDR) and SLIP Registry

Dr. Emily Schaeffer - Collaborator and co-lead in the project

Dr. Bryn Zomar - Collaborator and co-lead in the project

Duneesha De Silva (Trainee) - Master’s student focusing on Knowledge Translation (KT) initiatives and patient/family engagement

Regina Wilken - Collaborator and co-lead in the project; Executive Director of the I’m a HIPpy Foundation


Inaugural Recipient of the Peterson Scholar for Global Hip Health: Dr. Sukhdeep Dulai